You’re Not Alone – Reason #2

29 Nov 2013

You’re Not Alone – Reason #2

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Many of you may feel alone in the world.  As we discussed earlier you are not alone because you can turn to anyone around you and say Also-me.  I hurt, struggle, don’t like myself, want more from life and just want to be loved.  Everyone in life feels like this at some point.  You’re Not Alone.

However, there is another reason You’re Not Alone.  No matter how alone you may feel there is always some one in your life that will listen to you, help you and loves you.  Perhaps you don’t believe there is but I promise you there is someone.

You may have to look hard and give several people a chance but there is no doubt there is someone you can turn to.  It may be: your parents, a sibling, a grandparent or other relative, a family friend, a teacher, coach, counselor, youth group leader, pastor or perhaps you may need to speak to someone outside your immediate circle.  There are many organizations that you can turn to for support and help (check them out in the “Find Help” section of

If you say you are alone, no one understands you or is there to help you.  It is because you are not looking hard enough.  Don’t use that as an excuse for not getting help.  It is a cop out and a way of letting yourself off the hook.  It is your responsibility to let others help you help yourself!

Don’t believe the lie!  Others care about you, love you and will help you but it’s up to you to let them.

You’re Not Alone!

Tim Kreider