Personality Information


Your personality – how you see your world and react to it – is a large part of who you are.  It can dictate how you cope with situations and other people and can be your biggest asset – if you understand it.

There are many ways to define personalities, but most people break down into four distinct types.  How you label the types is arbitrary, but for the sake of simplicity we’re going to use the labels “Expert”, “Romantic”, “Mastermind”, and “Warrior”.

Take a look at the definitions below and see if you see yourself in any of them.  Then look at how to recognize and appeal to the personality type and you just might see how you can better deal with that difficult person in your life.


The Expert

Trust what is certain and concrete
Value realism and common sense
Like to apply and hone established skills
Tend to be specific and literal
Give detailed instructions
Present information in a step by step manner
Are focused on the present
Have great respect for the rules
Value consistency and reliability

The Romantic

Trust their feelings (gut reaction) about situations and people
Value others above themselves
React strongly to emotion
Have a need to feel committed to another person idea or cause
Consider the impact of their actions on others
Value harmony among people with whom they interact
Show appreciation of others easily and respond to praise
Recognize the importance of tact
Have a strong desire to make a contribution

The Masterminds

Trust inspiration and inference
Value imagination and innovation
Like to learn new skills and become easily bored with things they have mastered
Often use metaphors to explain their tasks
Present information in large chunks or in a roundabout manner
Tend to be impractical dreamers
Can appear to be disorganized and absent minded
Seek change, take risks and are comfortable in chaos

The Warriors

Are competitive
Have a strong desire to improve
Are analytical
Value logic, justice and fairness
Consider truth more important than tact
Believe feelings are only valid if they are logical
Are often seen as driven or extremely goal oriented
Focus on enhancing rather than praising
Seem always to have a plan
Rarely act without a purpose