Continuing Your Education

If you are considering education beyond high school and need help on how to pay for the costs, call 1-800-USA-LEARN or 1-800-4-FEDAID


For information on training programs, call Job Corps – 1-800-356-9996

Now What? Life After High School

Why is it Important to go to College?

Ready to Launch: 5 Teens Share Journey from High School into Risky World

Fast Web

Sallie Mae, College Answer

Financial aid and “free: schooling

Locate schools, find scholarships and much more

Financial Aid Finder

College Board’s Official Site for Payment Assistance

College Confidential

Brain Track – universities colleges and careers

Mapping Your Future

Match College / Finding a College



Heather SmallProud

Matthew WestThe Motions

Michael JacksonMan in the Mirro


Autobiography of My Dead Brother – Walter Dean Myers